Biohydrogels 2017

During the TERMIS European Chapter Meeting 2017 (Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society) in DavosSwitzerland, the  Society for Biohydrogels organized 2 symposia, covering both chemical and biological aspects of the design of biohydrogels in Regenerative Medicine.

Symposia 1 - Hydrogels in tissue engineering: Progress and challenges. Monday June 26, 2017 - Room Aspen - 12.45pm - 14.15pm

- Recent developments in collagen-based nanocomposite biomaterials
T Coradin, C Hélary, M Desimone - France
- Visible light based micro-encapsulation of mesenchymal stem cells for osteoarthritis treatment
Li, V Truong, H Thissen, J Frith, J Forsythe - Australia
- RNA extraction from peptide hydrogels enables gene expression analysis for 3D stem cell culture
K Burgess, V Workman, M Elsawy, D Oceandy, A Saiani - United Kingdom
- Oxygen mapping in 3D tissue engineering hydrogel constructs
P Wolff, L Heimann, E Amann, G Liebsch, R J Meier, E Breel, M van Griensven, ER Balmayor - Germany
- In vitro and organ culture evaluation of chemically crosslinked hyaluronic acid hydrogels for nucleus pulposus repair
MH Hu, A Nuzzo, M D’Este, RG Richards, PY Lee, M Alini, S Grad, M Peroglio - Switzerland
- Tyramine-modified hyaluronan hydrogel for mesenchymal stromal cell encapsulation: cell viability and rheological properties
P Behrendt, S Lippross, RG Richards, D Eglin, A Armiento - Switzerland / Germany

Symposia 2 - Biohydrogels. Wednesday June 28, 2017 - Room Aspen -17.15pm - 18.45pm

- Self-assembled peptide hydrogels for tissue engineering applications
J Gough - UK
- Textural, macromechanical and microrheological properties of HA/ collagen scaffolds and their influence on cell culture
J Roether, C Oelschlaeger, N Willenbacher - Germany- Dynamic hydrogel based on Hyaluronic Acid: from viscosupplementation material to cell scaffold applications
P Casuso, A Baiget, A Pérez-San Vicente, HJ Grande, I Loinaz, D Dupin - Spain
- Stem cell therapies for intervertebral disc degeneration - targeting the degenerate microenvironment
L Vickers, A Thorpe, C Sammon, C Le Maitre - United Kingdom
- Development of a novel bio-synthetic gelatin-poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogel for pre-vascularized osteogenically differentiated tissue analogues with enhanced structural stability
B Klotz, K Lim, Q Vallmajó Martín, I Pennings, T Rosenberg, T Woodfield, J Malda, M Ehrbar, D Gawlitta - The Netherlands
- Allyl glycidyl ether modified gelatin as a versatile bioink platform for biofabrication of tissue engineered constructs
S Bertlein, GC Brown, KS Lim, T Juengst, T Boeck, T Blunk, J Tessmar, T Woodfield, J Groll - Germany

Mis à jour le 21 January 2019.